Credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images;Susan Walsh/AP via Business Insider

Cory Booker Did The Only Thing I’ve Ever Wanted a Black Man to Do

Simone Samuels
Mar 25, 2022

To quote Senator Booker, “this is not normal.”

That’s all we ever wanted men — especially Black men — to do. Stop derogatorily calling us “females”, stop listening to Kevin Samuels, stop interrupting us and mansplaining and ignoring us and using us and tearing us down and lift us up.

Affirm us. Help us. Cover us. Love us. Stand with us. Support us. Because we sure as hell always support you, and my joy and my success are yours too.

Thank you Cory Booker for your example of allyship and use of privilege and platform to elevate others.

Let’s normalize this. All of this Black excellence.



Simone Samuels

I like big stories and I cannot lie. Authentic, transparent musings & connecting with others so we can all feel less alone.