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Poor People Should Have Nice Stuff Too

Beggars can be choosers and our sense of individualism has gone to toxic lengths

Simone Samuels
14 min readNov 1, 2021


What do you think of the following?

Oh but it is. It is a controversial statement — at least to me.

Both of these sentiments are based on the assumption that people receiving any type of government assistance can’t be trusted — that their poor decision-making got them into the situation in which they find themselves and thus the state needs to be paternalistic in how they help them. Or if you own an iPhone or an iPad when on welfare, you are, to quote Scotiabank, richer than you think or richer than you should be and thus do not deserve the tax payers’ dollars off of which you subsist.

I have a different perspective.

My life path is one in which I have straddled different social circles and vacillated between socio-economic strata and lived on both sides of the road. I have a good job in a management capacity…



Simone Samuels

I like big stories and I cannot lie. Authentic, transparent musings & connecting with others so we can all feel less alone.